Thursday 7 February 2013


So i started working on my digital sculpting work. Because i am looking into female anatomy i thought i would start off by creating a sculpt from scratch and see how i would do from memory. The first two images that you see here took me about 2hours. i have learning zBrush as i go, so things have been moving quite slow for me at the moment. will update as i go. 

The images here were started by making a sphere and moving it to create the right kind of shape and then using the Clay Buildup brush to create the basic form. At the moment i think it looks very toned but i believe as i add more parts such as the legs, it will take shape and look more human.

Here i have built this sculpt further. By adding Zspheres and scaling them to better proportions, I was able to blend the two parts together into one ztool and begin sculpting the legs to better fit the rest of the sculpt.
i have not begun to work on the lower legs yet which is why they look a bit weird.

Here is a back view of the updated model. This sculpt is also slightly higher resolution which has enabled me to add more detail to the nipple areas and the stomach. I don't want to up the resolution too much because when i add the other parts of the body it will take longer to get the form to be how i want it. By keeping the resolution low i am able to get the form and proportions correct before moving up to the resolutions where i would normally start to add surface detail such as wrinkles or scars or any other skin imperfections.

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